Alexia Rostow
Project Manager
As a Project Manager, I strive to empower my team to find creative solutions to every problem. I have worn many hats in the 10+ years I've worked with the Sigma Design; within engineering, operations, product testing, and manufacturing. My technical experience combined with my creative and liberal arts background provides a unique set of skills. It allows me to think outside the box when problem solving, communicating effectively, and when managing projects or personnel.
Questions & Answers
How do you make people laugh?
Just listening to my laugh makes people laugh.
If you were a tool or piece of equipment, what would you be and why?
I would be a Chandler & Price New Style Letterpress. A bit outdated, but built to last and a beautifully cast piece of preserved history. Printing on a machine like that is a treat.
What's your favorite productivity hack or time-saving trick?
Lists. I love Lists. Checking off items on a list is so satisfying that it drives efficiency. That, and coffee.