Cade Doebele
Electronics Engineer
I am an Electronics Engineer with a background in product research and development spanning the commercial and defense sectors. I leverage my experience in signal processing to produce great results in challenging applications. My experience in sustaining engineering has proven a great asset in providing insight for what design approaches are robust enough for the long-term.
I'm driven to empower my team to achieve success through problem solving expertise and a strategic mindset. Context, adaptability, and optimism are key to maximizing our efforts in delivering the best solutions for our clients.

Questions & Answers
How do you make people laugh?
Waiting for the perfect moment to say something out of left field. I've found those are the moments that really stick with people. That or laughing at my own awkwardness - nothing's better for diffusing that than rolling with the punches!
If you were a tool or piece of equipment, what would you be and why?
I would see myself as a lens! Lenses provide insight on the world around us. No matter if that's focusing a laser onto a semiconductor wafer, examining a nebula in the night sky, or keeping tree branches our of your eyes as you zoom down a ski slope; lenses make it happen. The opportunities to bring clarity to the world around are endless!
What's your favorite productivity hack or time-saving trick?
Check your assumptions. Knowing when to ask a foundational question is often the difference between chasing a red herring and hitting the bullseye with your engineering solution. The downside risk is only the appearance of asking a "dumb question", but the upside potential is huge. Uncertainty is a part of life, so it's important to remember to bounce ideas off a colleague even when it doesn't seem necessary.