Drew Berwager
Senior Mechanical Engineer
I'm a Mechanical Engineer with broad experience across diverse industries. The through line is an affinity for manufacturing and manufacturable designs. I love being part of a high-performing team that consistently exceeds customer expectations.
Questions & Answers
How do you make people laugh?
Recognize your own foibles and lean in!
If you were a tool or piece of equipment, what would you be and why?
I'd have to go with a manual Bridgeport mill: a robust, reliable machine that, with a little skill and imagination, can produce just about anything.
What's your favorite productivity hack or time-saving trick?
"Slow down to go faster." Understanding the requirements and design space before putting pen to paper is inevitably faster than diving into a design with assumptions and bad information. The trick is knowing when you've got enough data to work with, or at least when you've got all you're going to get.