Come say hi at the AUVSI Spring Symposium in Pendleton, OR!

Geoffrey Routledge

Vibration Engineer

A British export, arrived on American shores in Detroit in the year 2000 working in the Automotive Industry. Worked at Ricardo on refining Powertrains + a DRE (Design Release Engineer) on the Hummer H2. Worked on the Jeep Cherokee (WK) & Commander Vehicles whilst also refining the 3.7L V6 & 4.7L V8
powertrains. I have managed NVH at three EV start-ups (Coda, Byton & Canoo), refined a multi-cylinder
Algorithm (at Tula Technology), worked at Apple as an NVH Engineer, dealing with all manner of strange
noises on iPhone, Macbook and iPads + developing the Haptic Engine.

I have 4 patents (3 from the Algorithm work at Tula), and the 4th for a novel AC Compressor Mount while at Byton.) For my MSc Thesis I developed a novel acoustic method for measuring the fuel volume in a motorcycle fuel tank.

I live in Napa, CA and enjoy savoring the great selection of wines that the region produces. As a Porsche
Boxster owner I enjoy the Top Down while attending the Porsche owner's club trips within the area, as well
as seeing Blue Sky & sunshine.

When I lived in Michigan I did start my own business recording classic cars and started to offer art that
would play back sounds - Some of my recordings were used on a British Video Game that was looking for
classic V8 sounds.

I enjoy Formula 1, and any of the TV series (Top Gear, Grand Tour & that Farming show) that Jeremy
Clarkson has put out there!

Geoffrey Routledge2024

Questions & Answers

How do you make people laugh?

I think my kids would say my awful dad jokes. My weird/dry British humour can also provide a titter occasionally.

If you were a tool or piece of equipment, what would you be and why?

I'd be an iPhone. Design and software in harmony... Knowing that so many people have touched it during development to make our experience so seamless and refined.

What's your favorite productivity hack or time-saving trick?

I've always liked the "Ctrl+F" to find stuff quickly in Excel.


For time saving, I would suggest flying East to West. :)