Rick McNamee
Electronics Engineer
I am an electrical engineer with a background in military, medical, and commercial product development. My goal is to exceed customer expectations with regard to quality and support. A team player that learns quickly and gets the job done, I strive to be the best person I can both at work and in my personal life.

Questions & Answers
How do you make people laugh?
- Establish a premise with interesting characters and/or a situation.
- Advance the narrative.
- Create a point of high tension and conflict in the story.
- Subvert expectations and end with a pun.
If you were a tool or piece of equipment, what would you be and why?
Actually, my coworkers say I’m already a huge tool. Can you ask them what kind – they won’t tell me.
What's your favorite productivity hack or time-saving trick?
I’ve found if you get things done quickly without making mistakes and know exactly what the final customer requirements are, it saves a lot of time.