Drinks & Drones at Pendleton UAS - Sept 4

Val Morar

Project Manager

As a Sigma Design Project Manager, I am enthusiastic about drive forward the progress of an engineering project, while working closely with an exemplary team of highly skilled and capable Sigma Employee, in order meet and exceed our customer's expectations. I love it when a plan comes together. Over the last few years with Sigma, I've grown and developed as a professional in many ways. Sigma is truly a company that values employees and loves to invest in them.
Val Morar   Project Manager

Questions & Answers

How do you make people laugh?

Dry humor and sarcasm.

If you were a tool or piece of equipment, what would you be and why?

A compass. I enjoy finding and focusing on solutions to drive the team the right direction.

What's your favorite productivity hack or time-saving trick?

I start my days by making a list of the tasks I need to complete and then I prioritize those tasks. It?s quite encouraging to see tasks crossed out at the end of the day. It's a good way of seeing my daily progress. It also provides historical data for how I can balance and forecast my time.